The Dynamic Nexus of Islam's Cosmology, Spirituality, and Praxis

Dedicated to the exposition of Islamic cosmology, spirituality, process, alchemy, dialectics, and science – Walayah
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On the Merits of Ziyāraḧ Jāmiʿaḧ Kabīraḧ

On the Merits of Ziyāraḧ Jāmiʿaḧ Kabīraḧ

Posted by on Nov 1, 2013 in Meditations | 6 comments

Wa Bismi Rabbi ãl-Husayn (Ṣ) Dear Friends in Walāyaḧ, Ał-Salāmu ʿalaykum wa raḥmaẗu Ãllāhi wa barakātuhū. One of the brothers and sisters asked me to comment on the merits of the famous Ziyāraḧ Jāmiʿaḧ Kabīraḧ, the Great Comprehensive Visitation. This long prayer of visitation is narrated from Imām ʿAlī ibn Muḥammad...

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The Way of Islam in A Nutshell!

The Way of Islam in A Nutshell!

Posted by on Oct 16, 2013 in Reflections | 2 comments

ʿAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib (passed in 661 CE, peace be upon him): Surely Allāh, magnified and exalted, established Islām as the way to the water [of life]: He made its accesses easy for those who arrive at it, and fortified its foundations for the one who wars against it. He made it an honor for the one who receives its walāyah; a safety for the one who...

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Part III: Towards Reviving the Qirāʾaḧ of Ḥamzaḧ ibn Ḥabīb and the Ikhtiyār of Imām Ṣādiq (Ṣ)

Part III: Towards Reviving the Qirāʾaḧ of Ḥamzaḧ ibn Ḥabīb and the Ikhtiyār of Imām Ṣādiq (Ṣ)

Posted by on Apr 13, 2013 in Meditations | 1 comment

Bismi Rabbi ãl-Husayn (Ṣ) و الصلوة و السلام على سيدنا محمد و آله الطيبين الطاهرين، و لعنة الله و الخلق على أعدائهم أجمعين Dear Friends in Walāyaḧ, This is Part III of our continuing discussion on the ikhtiyār of Imām Ṣādiq (Ṣ) with respect to the recitation of...

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Part II: Towards Reviving the Qirāʾaḧ of Ḥamzaḧ ibn Ḥabīb and the Ikhtiyār of Imām Ṣādiq (Ṣ)

Part II: Towards Reviving the Qirāʾaḧ of Ḥamzaḧ ibn Ḥabīb and the Ikhtiyār of Imām Ṣādiq (Ṣ)

Posted by on Apr 10, 2013 in Meditations | 0 comments

Bismi Rabbi ãl-Husayn (S) و الصلوة و السلام على سيدنا محمد و آله الطيبين الطاهرين، و لعنة الله و الخلق على أعدائهم أجمعين Dear Friends in Walāyaḧ, This is Part II of our continuing discussion on the ikhtiyār of Imām Ṣādiq (Ṣ) with respect to the recitation of Ḥamzaḧ...

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Part I: Towards Reviving the Qirāʾaḧ of Ḥamzaḧ ibn Ḥabīb and the Ikhtiyār of Imām Ṣādiq (Ṣ)

Part I: Towards Reviving the Qirāʾaḧ of Ḥamzaḧ ibn Ḥabīb and the Ikhtiyār of Imām Ṣādiq (Ṣ)

Posted by on Mar 31, 2013 in Meditations | 1 comment

Bismi Rabbi ãl-Husayn (S) و الصلوة و السلام على سيدنا محمد و آله الطيبين الطاهرين، و لعنة الله و الخلق على أعدائهم أجمعين Dear Friends in Walāyaḧ, Ał-Salāmu ʿalaykum wa raḥmaẗu Ãllāhi wa barakātuhū. Once again, welcome to the Ḥusayniyyah at In a...

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